Hi there!

My name is Ilham, and I am a software engineer.

Muhammad Ilham Jamaludin is a software engineer who primarily focuses — but not exclusively — on building Android native app. He uses his technical knowledge to create innovations that are beneficial for the public. He believe technology should be used responsibly for the good of humanity.

Some of the tech stacks he’s used: RxJava, Coroutine, MVP / MVVM Design Pattern, Graphql, Clean Architecture, App Modularization (Multi-Module Architecture).
Programming language: Java, Kotlin, Python, Javascript & Typescript (NodeJS, Ionic, Angular).

Implementing Configuration As A Code

Firebase Remote Config is known for its usefulness in maintaining app quality. But it has many shortcomings that makes it hard to scale. That’s why my team implement Config as Code to extend the functionalities of Remote Config without putting too much effort into creating a new platform.

Dark Mode

Converting an app that has hundreds of feature modules that are owned by multiple squads to support Dark Mode was not an easy feat. It took dedication and collaboration with every feature owners to make sure the transition was as smooth as possible.

Seller App

During my tenure in one of the biggest tech unicorn in Indonesia, I collaborated with various talented people to ensure the quality, stability, and performance of its Seller App. The result was the increased overall satisfaction from our users. We consistently received weekly average of 4.9 star rating in Google Play Store.